Međunarodna partnerstva

Predstavnici Agencije ISEM, zahvaljujući dugogodišnjem poslovanju u trajanju od gotovo 15 godina, imali su jedinstvenu priliku da posjete brojne međunarodne partnere.

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Takođe, imali smo priliku da, kroz brojne događaje koje smo organizovali u regionu, kao domaćini ugostimo veliki broj partnera iz brojnih zemalja svijeta. Neke od njihovih utisaka (testimonials) prenosimo u nastavku, integralno, na engeskom jeziku:

Utisci (testimonials) međunarodnih partnera:

Webster Vienna Private University, Austria 

With the help of ISEM, dozens of Montenegrin students have successfully obtained study opportunities at Webster University. ISEM is not only an educational facilitator, but an all-rounder for study abroad support. I would recommend any prospective student, and university to choose ISEM as their “next step” for study abroad!


The University of Pavia, Italy

I participated, representing the University of Pavia, in the education Fair organized by ISEM in October 2022 and I must say that it was really well organized: there was a large flow of students interested in studying abroad. I worked nearly non-stop for 6 hours and met a lot of students who could potentially convert to Pavia’s students in the next year. I highly recommend this fair to those who would like to recruit from Montenegro!


Swiss Education Group, Switzerland 

Thanks to the great ISEM team I felt very welcome. The organization of the Fair was on a high level, I was very clear about all the details. The professionalism and warmth of hospitality was even visible from the very beginning, during the welcome cocktail, until the last follow-ups with leads. Many targeted students were present and expressed interest in the programs after the fair, specific scheduled meetings were also organized. Overall, I have a very vivid and positive experience, which motivates me to come back on 1st March!


Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

“High five” from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore! And congratulations for the successful event of last October 18, 2022. The Fair was beautifully organized, and the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica was the perfect venue: central and elegant. The students I met with were strongly motivated; they all had a good level of English and a genuine interest in studying abroad, which is the result of a well-done pre-screening activity. I hope to meet many of them again at Università Cattolica next September 2023!


IBS Budapest, Hungary and Austria 

International Business School, Budapest-Vienna was extremely happy to have participated at the education Fair in Montenegro organised by the ISEM agency in October 2022. We had lots of excellent conversations with students and families from Montenegro who were interested in obtaining a full British BSc/MSc degree in Budapest, Hungary with more affordable fees than in the UK but the same high level of British practice-oriented education. We can’t wait to attend the next fair.


IULM, Italy 

Our International Recruitment Office has attended two rounds of education fairs organized by ISEM so far. In both occasions we appreciated a thorough organization, high-quality prospective students and efficient follow-up activities. Montenegro is always a good choice to search for talented, motivated international students. The target audience of the ISEM agency matches the academic offer of our institution perfectly. 


RIT Croatia

RIT Croatia, a global campus of RIT from Rochester, NY, USA,  has been participating at the ISEM fairs for two years now, and our joint results in recruiting new students were outstanding! ISEM team was, and remains to be, at a very high professional level in terms of communicating and following up, both with potential candidates and us as partners. When it comes to Fairs, the organization and implementation was always flawless and the quality of potential candidates that come and visit our stand is noticeable. We are looking forward to continuing our cooperation in years to come!


John Cabot University, Italy 

We attended various recruiting events organized by the ISEM agency and so far turnout has been solid – I personally connected with great students, many of them eager to study abroad. As a university representative I felt taken care of during my last tour with them, despite the tight schedule. 


Faculty of information studies

There were a lot of good prospects at this fair – students and parents came prepared with concrete questions, which means there was a good PR job done upfront from the ISEM side. Everything was in place, location and last minute help with promotional materials were amazing, as always. 


Western Balkans University, Tirana, Albania

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to ISEM team who generously supported us. We were very pleased to be able to introduce Western Balkans University to the students. The presence of the students at the Fair fulfilled our expectations. I am thankful to ISEM team for arranging everything in an organized manner.


Sprott Shaw College and Vancouver International College, Canada

On behalf of Sprott Shaw College, I would like to thank the ISEM Agency for a well-organized fair. The feedback from students and parents has been very positive and we look forward to working with ISEM Agency in the future. There is a lot of interest in Canadian education programs in Montenegro and it is our opinion that ISEM is the perfect agency to promote our programs in the future. Having taken part in several other regional fairs, it was our experience that the ISEM Fair was on the same level in every respect! I look forward to further contact and I would like to thank ISEM Agency once again for a positive experience!


FUDŠ, Slovenia 

Attending the International Educational Fair in Podgorica as a representative of the School of Advanced Social Studies was an incredible experience. The Fair was very well-organized and lasted for 6 hours, which was a reasonable amount of time for such an event. The Fair was very effective in connecting us with potential candidates interested in our programs. The organizers of the Fair were exceptional in their approach to connecting candidates with the right educational institution. As soon as candidates entered the Fair, the organizers directed them toward our table if they were interested in our study programs. This was extremely helpful as it allowed us to maximize our time and connect with candidates who were genuinely interested in what we had to offer. Overall, we are very pleased with our experience at the International Educational Fair in Podgorica. The fair was a great platform for us to showcase our programs, and we look forward to attending more events like this in the future.


Modul University Vienna, Austria

We were very happy with the organization of the fair in February, and we’ll like to repeat it soon.


Oswestry School, United Kingdom 

It was a great pleasure and privilege to attend the ISEM Spring Fair and I enjoyed a very productive first visit to Montenegro.  We were hosted brilliantly by Backo and the ISEM team who made us all feel hugely welcome, kept us well informed on details, and ensured the experience was a memorable one, including a fantastic finale dinner at the traditional Montenegrin restaurant Pod Volat. The Fair itself was an excellent occasion with significant numbers of visitors and lots of interest at the Oswestry School desk.  In fact, it was pretty much non-stop from 12noon to 6pm! I enjoyed sharing with families something of the Oswestry School story, and there was lots of interest. In short, a superb experience, so I congratulate all at ISEM for putting together such a successful event.  We will certainly look to return.  


TASIS The American School, United Kingdom 

I am thankful to the ISEM Team for hosting a well organized and very well attended fair! The students that came to my table were interested in studying abroad, had great questions, and their parents were supportive. I look forward to joining the ISEM fair again next year.


St Andrew College / Dukes Education, United Kingdom 

It’s been a brilliant first visit to Montenegro joining the ISEM Agency event, being able to meet really good quality sixth form students. Very looking forward to helping those students signing up with some of the best schools in the UK at Dukes Education.


Myddelton College and Adcote School, United Kingdom

I was really happy to participate at the ISEM Fair this Spring. It was unusual to see many schools from different countries all over the World. The reception was very nice and we had a chance to network and discuss the business. The Fair was very “busy” and the number of people who were seriously considering educating their children abroad was impressive. The quality of potential students is 5 Star, they were all B2 and above in English , some have excellent academic results. I believe we will have very good students for September 2023 at both schools. Looking forward to attending the ISEM Fair again.


Nord Anglia Education, United Kingdom 

Many thanks for the great event! It was very busy for us, and we enjoyed talking to the families! We really hope to receive the return on bookings to our high schools or summer Bucksmore programs!


CATS Global Schools, United Kingdom and USA

I would highly recommend the ISEM education fair for all education providers, as it gives you an opportunity to meet genuinely interested students who have been pre-screened and carefully selected by the agency. 


Eerde International Boarding School, the Netherlands 

As a first-time participant, I had uncertainty in my expectations in regard to destination interest, English levels, and an overall attendance of the event. After the first 15 minutes, it was obvious that the ISEM Agency delivers. I was fully impressed with the quality of the students, their focus, and the parents’ knowledge of curriculum options. The ISEM Team exuberates professionalism, but with an added personal touch. I feel this is one important aspect that sets their event apart from others. The Team knows the schools, the representatives, and the families’ needs, and it shows. No matter if your educational offering is from a large school group or a private small-scale school, like mine, there is a place for you in the ISEM family. The venue was beautiful with a high level of hospitality that is difficult to match, I thoroughly enjoyed my first experience in Podgorica. I truly enjoyed the end-of-event dinner which provided a casual platform for all representatives to engage, connect and sample authentic Montenegrin cuisine. My takeaway from ISEM 2023 Podgorica: 1) Backo and his team know the market and are extremely well-connected; 2) They provide families and students with a wide range of options when it comes to school choice; 3) For educational providers, Backo delivers not only quantity to this event but quality: students that are keen to study abroad, with the correct educational level and age group to make a smooth transition. I look forward to a great partnership and the next event.


Schloss Schule Kirchberg, Germany

Having now attended two education fairs in Podgorica put on by Agencija ISEM, I have been consistently astounded by the scale and excellent organization of the events, the sheer number of meetings I had with students and parents, and most importantly, the quality of those meetings. Thanks to ISEM, we have already been fortunate enough to welcome the first student from Montenegro at our school, with more promising perspective students in sight. Overall, we are very grateful for the fruitful partnership with ISEM, and I will always look forward to the chance to attend future events. Montenegro may be a small country, but the team at ISEM has proven that it is a market with huge potential!


H-Farm International School, Italy 

My experience at the recent educational fair organised by ISEM Agency was outstanding overall. During the course of the event, I met numerous students and their families and had many stimulating and fruitful conversations. The quantity and quality of the leads collected during the event were excellent. Backo, Milica, Masa and the whole ISEM team organized a seamless event and we are very much looking forward to attending their events in the future.


Canadian College Italy, Italy

The ISEM fair was the single most successful event my school has ever attended. The vetting and groundwork that the ISEM team put into finding quality leads really did the trick. All our appointments were meaningful, and we recruited more students that day than any other fair ever, including any ICEF fair. We can’t wait to go back to Montenegro.


London International Academy, Canada 

I would like to express my gratitude to Backo and all ISEM staff for the excellently organized fair with so many attendees, both individual students and families. With all the media coverage and popularity with the local audience, ISEM team is truly the best! Although Canada was not the most popular destination for secondary education, I still hope with the help of the ISEM team we can convert some of those in doubt into our future students. And it’s been a good start for our cooperation. Very thankful for the invitation and hope to become ISEM’s regular participant!


The Boarding School Association of America (TBSAA)

As TBSAA has attended several fairs hosted by ISEM over the years I can say with full certainty that these events have always delivered to my top expectations and beyond. The feedback from the schools that we represent has always been positive and we have all been impressed by all the effort that the ISEM team puts to deliver these events. The location was a perfect choice, the student number was also outstanding and the lead’s turnout remained positive. We thank the ISEM Agency for their work and we look forward to coming back to an ISEM Fair soon!


Thornton Aademy, USA

The ISEM fair in Podgorica was definitely worth attending! The strong and effective marketing campaign ensured that the fair was well-attended. I had great conversations with prospective families and am confident that we will see students enroll at Thornton Academy because of their attendance at the fair.


Hebron Academy, USA

I attended the ISEM Education Fair in October for the first time and I was happy to see the number of students and families that were present at the event. High quality students with a great English level and knowledge about boarding schools. 


Menaul School, USA

I was a first-time attendee, and the fair exceeded my expectations! The turnout was impressive, and the students were energetic and eager to learn more. I am so glad I was able to participate, and I highly recommend the fair to other schools.  Add it to your itineraries!


Leonardo da Vinci, Italy 

It was a great pleasure for us to take part in this year’s ISEM Education Fair. I am very satisfied by the fair arrangement and hospitality. Many thanks for all the hard work to Backo and ISEM team and for the great organization for the whole event. The location was amazing. I definitely think it’s very useful for our school to be here, I am pleased with the number of prospective students that visited our stand. It was a pleasure meeting many of the other participants too. Many thanks again to ISEM’s team for the careful planning, we look forward to continuing working with ISEM in the future and seeing them at the next fair.


Inspired Schools, Italy

I have attended the Study Abroad Fair organized by ISEM as an Official Representative for the Inspired Boarding Schools in Europe. This was the first time we participated in the event. The whole organization was great, nice venue, good Lead quality, and very supportive Staff. Our experience was so positive that we have decided to come back for the next event scheduled in March ’24!


International Business School, Hungary

The Fair was exceptionally well organized. The efficiency extended to every facet, encompassing brochure distribution, transportation services, and accommodation arrangements. The staff exhibited excellent eagerness to assist from the inception of the event. In terms of student engagement, our institution garnered significant attention, generating numerous leads throughout the duration of the Fairs. Witnessing the heightened interest among prospective students in our programs was truly remarkable. We successfully persuaded many newcomers to choose our university, underscoring the effectiveness of these events in establishing connections and attracting potential students. Overall, our participation in the Fair proved to be an overwhelmingly positive experience. We appreciate the opportunity to showcase International Business School and connect with a diverse array of students. Thank you for facilitating this invaluable platform.


The International Boarding School Organization (TIBSO), USA

The International Boarding School Organization, TIBSO, has long considered ISEM as a top quality education agent! By attending Study Abroad Fairs hosted by ISEM, our organization can present our school programs to many high-caliber students and their families. The professionalism and experience of f the agency’s staff lead to a highly organized and efficient fair that provides fruitful opportunities during the event and beyond. TIBSO looks forward to continued collaboration with ISEM for years to come!


John Cabot University, Italy

 Working with the ISEM Agency has been such a pleasure for John Cabot University. The organization of Fairs with timely communication, professionalism, and dedicated interest in both the university and students, the events are always a great success. We know our time in the region will be productive seeing a good deal of students and collecting strong leads.


Oswestry School, UK


We are delighted to share Oswestry School’s experience at the recent boarding school recruitment fair organized by ISEM. It was evident that meticulous planning and thoughtful execution had gone into creating a productive and vibrant event. The choice of venues was impeccable, providing an appropriate atmosphere that perfectly complemented the nature of the event. The logistics were flawlessly handled, and the attention to detail added to the overall positive ambiance. What truly sets this recruitment Fair apart, however, is the impressive number and exceptional quality of attendees. The diverse group of prospective students and their families created a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere and the Fair attracted families genuinely interested in exploring educational opportunities, providing an environment where meaningful conversations flourished.

The dedication of the ISEM team was evident in their commitment to facilitating connections between schools and attendees and their passion for education and fostering a supportive community was palpable. In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend ISEM for orchestrating a recruitment Fair that exceeded expectations. The combination of superb venues, seamless logistics, and an excellent array of attendees was first class. Oswestry School recommends ISEM to any educational institution seeking a platform to engage with prospective students and we look forward to participating in future events.


Lincoln Academy, USA

I was thoroughly impressed with the ISEM Fairs in Podgorica and Sarajevo this year. The organization, marketing, and publicity brought in a remarkable number of families! The prospective students spoke English well and were ready to learn about educational opportunities. We have already accepted a student we met at this year’s Fair. I can’t wait for next year!

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ISEM Agencija

City kvart
Vojvode Maša Đurovića 3A
2. sprat, kancelarija br 11
81000 Podgorica

+382 20 650 689

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Agencija ISEM

City kvart
Vojvode Maša Đurovića 3A 
2. sprat, kancelarija br 11
81000 Podgorica

“Kao roditelji troje dece koji su sa ISEM agencijom bili na razmeni u Americi, mislim da ne postoji bolja preporuka od činjenice da su i oni kao učenici, a i mi kao roditelji bili prezadovoljni angažmanom i pouzdanošću koje smo kroz saradnju sa vama imali. Kroz koju godinu spremamo još jednog potencijalnog učenika koji se već od sad raduje odlasku za Ameriku, naravno opet sa vama!” – Katarina Davidović

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